
Become a Housing Element Watchdog!

Housing Element Watchdogs are the core volunteers of the Campaign for Fair Housing Elements.

Watchdogs track Housing Element updates in one or more cities and advocate for good policies and fair housing values. This could be in your hometown, where you live now, or another city altogether. Housing is a regional issue, so it’s important that all cities are creating Fair Housing Elements. Watchdog activities may include:

  • Attending public workshops to learn about the city’s Housing Element update process and strategies;

  • Giving public comment in writing or hearings to support high quality Housing Elements;

  • Reporting back what you have learned and sharing with other volunteer watchdogs;

  • Reaching out to residents and groups in the city to make sure they know about the update process;

  • Reviewing drafts of the Housing Element to check for correct methodology and progressive policies.

Will I Have Help?

Yes! Our campaign coordinators are experts on Housing Elements and will provide support to help you understand the process, answer questions, and give feedback. When you become a Watchdog, you’ll become part of a community of Watchdogs across the state who will actively support one another and work together to change the future of housing in California. The Campaign has also collected useful resources to support your work.


Request a meeting with one of our Housing Elements Volunteer Coordinators to learn more. Email: keith@yimbylaw.org


Other Ways to Help

You can also support the Campaign for Fair Housing Elements by doing the following:

  • Donate your time and skills. We could use volunteers with the following skills:

    • Graphic Design

    • Data Analysis

    • Mapping / GIS

    • Computer Engineering

    • Writing / Editing