City Data

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City Stats: RHNA Data
Find your city:

{{ city.population }} people
{{ city.density }} people / sq. mi.
${{ city.medianIncome }}
This city's housing element is due in:

{{ city.dueDaysLeft }} days

On: {{ city.dueDate.toDateString() }}
The housing element is in compliance
The housing element is out of compliance
The housing element is out of compliance
The housing element is approved, conditional on certain checkpoints or criteria being met.
{{ city.rhna6 }} units
{{ city.rhna5 }} units
5th cycle's progress: {{ city.progress }}% - Something is up!
High progress score?
It might not be a good sign. The most exclusive and anti-housing jurisdictions were typically able to ensure that their RHNA would be very low. Fortunately, the legislature has changed the allocation process to make the allocations more fair in the 6th cycle.
Your city has {{ city.countVolunteers }} volunteer watchdogs.
Your city has no volunteer watchdogs yet.

Each city's Regional Housing Needs Allocation is broken up into 4 categories, by income. Mouse over the pie slices to see this city's Allocation by affordability level.

Income Levels and Rent/Price Limits

RHNA INCOME LEVEL designations

Income categories are defined as a percentage of Area Median Income (AMI):

  • Very Low Income (VLI): 30-50% AMI

  • Low Income (LI): 50-80% AMI

  • Moderate Income (MI): 80-120% AMI

  • Above Moderate Income (AMI): +120% AMI


Much love and thanks to volunteer extraordinaires Dylan Hunn and Jordon Wing and board member Vincent Woo and staff person ordinaire Sonja Trauss for creating this beautiful dashboard!